Explosive Ideas about Massive Stars - from Observations to Modeling
Explosive Ideas about Massive Stars - from Observations to Modeling
10-13 August 2011 AlbaNova University Center
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Peculiar supernovae and their progenitors
A number of supernovae has been discovered in recent times
showing weird observed
properties. A few of them are extremely sub-luminous, others
are among the brightest
stellar explosions ever observed. In this review I present
photometric and
spectroscopic data of some of the most astonishing unusual
transients, and outline
what we currently know on the nature of their progenitor stars.
Id: 317
Place: AlbaNova University Center
Room: Oskar Klein
Starting date:
10-Aug-2011   15:00
Duration: 30'
Primary Authors: Dr. PASTORELLO, Andrea (Universita' di Padova)
Presenters: Dr. PASTORELLO, Andrea
Included in session: Supernova Progenitors