Explosive Ideas about Massive Stars - from Observations to Modeling
Explosive Ideas about Massive Stars - from Observations to Modeling
10-13 August 2011 AlbaNova University Center
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Supernova signatures in the early X-ray emission from GRBs?
A growing number of long Gamma-Ray Bursts are indisputably associated with
core-collapse supernovae, discovered through optical spectroscopy and/or photometry
of the GRB afterglow. Three such bursts show evidence of a thermal component in the
early X-ray afterglow emission, claimed by some to be a signature of supernova shock
breakout. This component could equally be attributed to central engine activity. We
examine the X-ray afterglows of all Swift GRBs with associated optical supernovae in
search of a thermal X-ray component, comparing these results to those of
non-SN-associated GRBs to add to the debate on the origin of this emission.
Id: 357
Place: AlbaNova University Center
Room: Oskar Klein
Starting date:
10-Aug-2011   17:40
Duration: 05'
Primary Authors: Dr. STARLING, Rhaana (University of Leicester)
Co-Authors: Mr. SPARRE, Martin (Dark Cosmology Centre)
Dr. PAGE, Kim (University of Leicester)
Presenters: Dr. STARLING, Rhaana
Included in session: Posters and refreshments