Explosive Ideas about Massive Stars - from Observations to Modeling
Explosive Ideas about Massive Stars - from Observations to Modeling
10-13 August 2011 AlbaNova University Center
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Variety of End Points of Massive Stars
Stars more massive than about 8 times the mass of the Sun end their lives in
cataclysmic explosions:  supernovae and gamma-ray bursts.  In recent years targeted
and blind transient surveys have expanded the range of potential outcomes, including
potentially non-destructive eruptions on the path to the eventual explosion and
highly-luminous events that may require a new range of progenitor or explosion
parameters.  In this talk I will give an overview of these recent developments
spanning the range from transients at intermediate luminosities to gamma-ray bursts.
Id: 373
Place: AlbaNova University Center
Room: Oskar Klein
Starting date:
10-Aug-2011   14:00
Duration: 30'
Primary Authors: Prof. BERGER, Edo (Harvard University)
Presenters: Prof. BERGER, Edo
Included in session: Supernova Progenitors