The goal of this workshop is to
focus on recent progress in research of core-collapse supernovae,
circumstellar interaction in cosmic explosions and supernova remnants,
with an emphasis on linking models to observations. Contributions will
be in the form of invited talks and posters. Registration will include
an evening boat cruise with dinner in the Stockholm archipelago. The
late registration has now started.
invited speakers (by 2011-08-02) are: |
- E. Berger (CfA, Harvard)
- J. Blondin (North Carolina State Univ.)
- N. Bucciantini (NORDITA)
- A. Burrows (Princeton Univ.)
- I. Cherchneff (Basel)
- R. Chevalier (Univ. of Virginia)
- N. Chugai (INASAN, Moscow)
- T. Dahlen (STScI)
- L. Dessart (Marseille)
- V. Dwarkadas (Univ. of Chicago)
- R. Fesen (Dartmouth College)
- K. France (Univ. of Colorado)
- C. Fransson (Stockholm)
- M. Fraser (Belfast)
- A. Gal-Yam (Weizmann Institute of Science)
- A. Heger (Univ. of Minnesota)
- K. Heng (ETH Zürich)
- H.-T. Janka (MPI, Garching)
- A. Jerkstrand (Stockholm)
- R. Kirshner (CfA, Harvard)
- K. Kjaer (Belfast)
- O. Krause (MPI, Heidelberg)
- S. Kulkarni (Caltech)
- J. Larsson (Stockholm)
- B. Leibundgut (ESO, Garching)
- P. Lundqvist (Stockholm)
- M. Matsuura (Univ. College London)
- M. Modjaz (Columbia Univ.)
- E. Müller (MPI, Garching)
- E. Nakar (Tel Aviv)
- S. Ng (McGill Univ.)
- K. Nomoto(Univ. of Tokyo)
- S. Park (Univ. of Texas, Arlington)
- A. Pastorello (Belfast)
- B. Schmidt (MSO, Australian National Univ.)
- S. Smartt (Belfast)
- A. Soderberg (CfA, Harvard)
- J. Sollerman (Stockholm)
- M. Stritzinger (Stockholm)
- F. Thielemann (Basel)
Scientific Organizing Committee: |
Local Organizing Committee: |
- R. Chevalier (Univ. of Virginia; Co-chair)
- A. Filippenko (Berkeley)
- R. Kirshner (CfA, Harvard)
- B. Leibundgut (ESO, Garching)
- P. Lundqvist (Stockholm; Co-chair)
- R. McCray (Univ. of Colorado)
- G. Östlin (Stockholm)
- B. Schmidt (MSO, Australian National Univ.)
- A. Soderberg (Harvard, CfA)
- S. Åberg (Stockholm)
- M. Ergon (Stockholm)
- S. Gelato (Stockholm)
- A. Jerkstrand (Stockholm)
- J. Larsson (Stockholm)
- N. Lundqvist (Stockholm)
- P. Lundqvist (Stockholm)
- G. Östlin (Stockholm)
Sponsors: |